Portofino, NC Station Status
Today is Saturday, February 22, 2025
Server room temperature is 68.9° F and the humidity is 31%
Weather website server has been up for 232 days and was restarted on 07/05/2024
Weather station computer has been up for 7 Days 7 Hours 51 Minutes 41 Seconds
Weather station computer system free memory is 2.00GB out of 8GB
Weather-Display software V10.37S-(b152) dated 2/15/2025 and last started 10:03:46 AM 2/15/2025
Vantage Pro console reception efficiency is 100%
Vantage Pro console backup batteries were installed on 7/12/2024, voltage is 4.7 Vdc, and was last checked at 17:50 on 2/22/2025
Vantage Pro ISS battery was installed on 7/8/2024 and its status is "Ok" and was last checked at 17:50 on 2/22/2025
Vantage Pro ISS was last cleaned and maintained on 12/8/2024
NEXRAD Radar KRAX status: Active [last data 0:07:44 h:m:s ago]
as of Sat, 22-Feb-2025 5:48pm EST
Message date: Fri, 21-Feb-2025 7:57am EST
Component | Status | Age h:m:s |
Latest update time as of Sat, 22-Feb-2025 5:50pm EST |
Weather-Display Realtime | Current | 0:00:07 | Sat, 22-Feb-2025 5:50pm EST |
Weather-Display FTP | Current | 0:00:28 | Sat, 22-Feb-2025 5:50pm EST |
Weather-Display Weather Data | Current | 0:00:43 | Sat, 22-Feb-2025 5:50pm EST |
Weather-Display NOAA report (24 hrs) | Current | 17:39:28 | Sat, 22-Feb-2025 12:11am EST |
Weather-Display Month report (24 hrs) | Current | 17:39:28 | Sat, 22-Feb-2025 12:11am EST |
WxCam Image (3-5 sec updates) | NOT Current | 0:00:22 | > 0:00:05 Sat, 22-Feb-2025 5:50pm EST |
Regional GR3 Radar (5-6 min updates) | Current | 0:00:01 | Sat, 22-Feb-2025 5:50pm EST |
Local GR3 Radar (5-6 min updates) | Current | 0:00:06 | Sat, 22-Feb-2025 5:50pm EST |
18-hr HRRR (updated every hour) | Current | 0:27:49 | Sat, 22-Feb-2025 5:22pm EST |
48-hour HRRR (updated every 6 hr) | Current | 3:03:20 | Sat, 22-Feb-2025 2:47pm EST |
60-hour NAM Nest (6 hr updates) | Current | 2:16:44 | Sat, 22-Feb-2025 3:33pm EST |
84-hour NAM (6 hr updates) | Current | 2:10:13 | Sat, 22-Feb-2025 3:40pm EST |
384-hours GFS (6 hr updates) | NOT Current | 6:36:25 | > 6:00:15 Sat, 22-Feb-2025 11:14am EST |
Tropical Atlantic GFS (6 hr updates) | Current | 5:38:36 | Sat, 22-Feb-2025 12:12pm EST |
Tropical Pacific GFS (6 hr updates) | Current | 5:38:36 | Sat, 22-Feb-2025 12:12pm EST |